Friday, August 12, 2016

Conversion to Christianity and Love Jihad

Conversion to Christianity and Love Jihad
Let congress rule or BJP rule India or  in States, conversion to Christianity and Islam is (will be) taking place through positive and negative ways and methods.
Let you be careful about your kids and children. It is obvious that anyone in India can opt for any religion they like to follow. But, if that happens through crooked, fraud, cheating, creating wrong impressions and so on, that type of conversion should be prevented and stopped. Government has limitations, and the only option is to protect your children by yourselves.
If nothing is done when it is to be done, later doing anything will not work at all. Majority of the conversions are taking place to Christianity through prayers, financial support, marriages, social recognition, and so on finally ending in trapping the individuals. All these are (were) done just to increase the number of christians in India as the Pope said, third millennia is the millennia to convert the people from Asia, to Christian fold.
Misinterpretations of Vedas, copying Hindu rituals and symbols, following Hindu temple type of rituals,   telling that Vedas and puranas explain only Jesus is the way. Renaming Hindu rituals using Christian names and so on. Just to use all the so called ‘positive ‘ and negative ways to pump Jesus in the mind of the poor and illiterate people finallay ending in conversion.
On the other hand love jihad type of activities from the Muslims  leads even to entering into the terrorism as you are all reading in the Newspapers.  The Muslim  youths  give financial support  to poor Hindu students and act as the guardian. They give appreciation certificates, prizes, mementos and glorious rewards for the merits of Hindu boys and girls, and attract towards their den. Here the Hindu girls and boys get trapped and brain washed to Islam. They also try to  build  friendship with innocent Hindu boys and girls  acting as smart and attracting the attention of the Hindu youths and then drag to Islam. Once  the boy/ girl gets converted to Islam,  they leave  the converted Hindus  to another group  of Muslims to marry or follow Islamic life style with purdha and so on. There ends the conversion procedure. Some times these newly  converted youth try to convert their family members also.
Under any circumstances none can criticise  or point their finger towards anybody. It is the  serious  responsibility of each parent to give their children healthy body and a culture mind. If the values are not given in time, then these type of incidents will take place. Weaping after all these incidents will not save your children.

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