Friday, August 12, 2016

Dharmic activities

Hinduism is fully based on the dharma of individuals coming under variouscapacities.  Individual dharma, family dharma, professional dharma, social dharma and national dharma to be performed by the individuals in his capacity.
The dharma is based on various customs and rituals known as acharas. The acharas are to be practised taking partly the direction from the acharyas, partly by self learning, discussing with scholars and the rest  during the process of living.
These acharas are included in dharma sastra books which are also known as smruthies. The smruthies will continuously change depending upon the individuals, place (desa)  and time (kaala). All the acharas are not applicable for all the people  at all the time. In short depending upon the kaala and desa these will change.
What all the acharas we celebrate it should have either physical, social, spiritual, benefit or psychological  benefit. Psychological  benefits are those benefits which take the mind from bad to good, darkness to light and tensisonfull  mind to tensionless mind.
Physical benefits are the better health of the body, family relation building, social bondage strengthening, cultural values building and integration of the nation.
The acharas which are irrelevant   in the modern period are known as the anaacharas, which produce bad/negative effects are known as duraacharas. Those which are good are known as sadaacharas. The ultimate goal of each achara (a bit mixed with spirituality for creating sincerity-devotion- dedication) is to strengthen what I explained above .i.e mind to nation.
Celebrating birthdays, family celebrations, visiting temples, performing and participating in  family-social – cultural- national functions directly give the benefits of all the above directly or indirectly.
In Kerala the no/new moon day (amaavasy falling in the karkitaka month – when the sun comes in karkitaka raasi- with the moon, the pitru pooja / bali used to be performed. This year that falls in 2nd August.
The pitru karma mantra says I submit my homage to all those who are directly or indirectly connected with my life including, parental relatives, servants, friends, animals, trees, supporters, helpers, ……..all living and non living beings who/which  were/are instrumental for my survival. Further it goes  as prayer for those who are known or unknown left the world happened to be in my family.
Thus the pitru karma is also one way  family and social relation building function, remembering and reminding all those who are responsible for our life here in this world.. The mental satisfaction we get, family relation building opportunity we get…. are the super benefit derived other than the spiritual enlightenment (if the performer feels that)

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