Saturday, May 7, 2016


Adopt simple methods for teaching our heritage to our children. It is important that we have to give a strong body to our children and also a good mind. These two are respectively possible by giving them good food  for the body and food for thoughts and practise for the mind.  Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are needed for the body like that; stories, experiences and messages are needed for the mind. Micronutrients are needed for the body, like that spirituality and philosophy are needed for the mind.Give both in the correct dose,  the children will become good and great. Remember that our children   are in the school for 7  -  8 hrs during working days, and they are with us remaining 16 -17 hrs. They are with us 24 hrs during holdays and vacations.The school teacher has to handle 35 to 40 children in a class, where as we have to handle one or two at the maximum three children of our own. The teachers have to focus on the exams where as we have to focus only less crucial issues connected with our own children.Teach them modern knowledge and as much as possible heritage knowledge. Some manthras, prayers, and Gayatri type of Veda slsokas are available in small music boxes which cost less than Rs 100. These boxes are extremely useful when played in our home  in the morning and evening or any time for learning,  by the parents and also to the students by themselves without any strain.You should also play CDs and downloadable messages from any sources and let them be listened in car or bed room, or in the kitchen... So that all the family members can utilise their working time also for learning such heritage matters.Find out your own methods to learn at least one of the heritage knowledge handed over to us by our forefathers for teaching and spreading through you.

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