Sunday, May 22, 2016


The mind  has two rooms. Imagine that one for keeping the good feelings, emotions and thoughts. The other for keeping the bad emotions, feelings and thoughts.
The input for the mind is through the five sensory organs. Through the ears, eyes, nose, tongue and skin. We take the experiences through these five gateways.
In Bhagavath Gita five horses are shown which represents five sensory organs dragging the mind.  If the horses are good and disciplined, then the mind will go in a controlled manner. Similarly if the sensory organs take the good and  give them  to the mind, the mind will act accordingly.
Here comes the crucial points for our family and children.
Whatever you are giving through the ears, eyes, nose, tongue and skin, will reflect in the course of time from the mind as  thoughts,  and action, in our children and students. These action will reflect the result and reward in the life of your children.
Thus give through the ears and eyes good stories, messages, experiences and truths and facts to our children. This will take them to a greater height. Whatever is to be given in the apt time during their growing period,  those things are to be given. If late they may not take or digest the input.
Give them the messages for glorious life as stories, experiences, messages, p[proverbs, truths and facts about life. Give them politely and slowly, give them in an interesting way.

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