Sunday, March 27, 2016

Matangi Devi

Matangi Mahavidya, the tantric form of Saraswati and the goddess who rules intelligence and eloquence of speech. In the Purashcharyarnava Tantra it is described how the siddhi (attainment of a certein power) Matangi Devi gives is that whenever posed with a question Matangi Devi will whisper the answer in to her devotees ear.:

Matangi Mahavidya, the tantric form of Saraswati and the goddess who rules intelligence and eloquence of speech. In the Purashcharyarnava Tantra it is described how the siddhi (attainment of a certein power) Matangi Devi gives is that whenever posed with a question Matangi Devi will whisper the answer in to her devotees ear.

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