Sunday, March 27, 2016


Vajrayogini, the Queen of Dakinis, shown to drink blood which represents the ability to transmute and transform negative actions into positive: anger into clarity, ignorance into wisdom.  She wears skulls because she dances with death and transformation as naturally as the crone, the goddess embracing the power of the sacred feminine.:

Vajrayogini, the Queen of Dakinis, shown to drink blood which represents the ability to transmute and transform negative actions into positive: anger into clarity, ignorance into wisdom. She wears skulls because she dances with death and transformation as naturally as the crone, the goddess embracing the power of the sacred feminine.

I’m choking on the thick fog that is your arrogance
I’m suffocating on your eagerness to prove your manhood
I wouldn’t have to cry so loudly if your stone speech wasn’t so sharp and empty
I’m sorry I can’t keep quiet
I’m not sorry I can’t keep quiet
Your condescension is intended to still me
Your tone so sure and certain
Convinced I’m not wise enough to actually listen to your words
Your regurgitated words
Because I’m not alone, I must belong to him?
Because I’m not standing here alone, I must not be able to?
How dare your assumption
Neither one of us is silent so I must be his echo?
All because I have a vagina and he a penis
Call me the dragon lady
I’ll wear the title with pride
May the fire I breathe make you squirm in your discomfort
May you be heated with vulnerability and insecurity
May your scabby exterior be picked away
And you’ll be forced to live as an open wound
A bleeding, sore, sensitive, seeping open wound
Then I’ll poke my finger in you digging for a nerve
Draining you completely of all protection from infection
You’ll be infested and infected

Then you’ll know the power of the feminine.

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